
Solutions for Lean Manufacturing

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Magnetics supports for Cardplan®

Horizontal supports with powerful neodymium magnets to fix Cardplan® on metal surfaces.

Insert labels for Cardplan®

Transparent label holder that allows the insertion of cards to identify the position in the Cardplan®. It attaches to pockets with extreme speed. Available in different sizes.

Vertical divider for Cardplan®

Vertical divider for dividing Cardplan® into columns. Provided with adhesive. Can be positioned where necessary.

Cardplan® traffic light system

System to visually differentiate, with the 4 colors available, the different sectors of the Cardplan® and transform the Cardplan® from a collection system to a Kanban traffic light system. Available in multiple lengths.
 What is kanban?

The KANBAN is a communication tool in “just in time” production and warehouse control: it authorizes production or handling. The word "kanban" in Japanese means "visual tag" or record and the system was developed by Taiichi Ohno in Toyota Motor Corporation back in 1947.

The purpose of the kanban was to increase efficiency and consequently productivity by controlling production flows in order to outperform competitors and reducing costs in the management of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products.

The Kanban, as an object, is therefore nothing more than a tag attached to the container of the components on the line that indicate / require the delivery or production of a defined quantity.

Originally the Kanban tag signaled the need to produce or deliver something but to date there are several signs of restoration used. Today, KANBAN is an information passing system that ensures that each operating station only produces what is actually required by the downstream station. It serves as a production and transfer instruction. In this way the warehouse is under control, production keeps up with shipments: production pulled! (pull system)

The Kanban can therefore also be electronic: reordering systems for the supplier or the production department that require a certain quantity of a given material when the stock falls below a pre-established minimum level.

The quantity authorized by each single Kanban is minimal, ideally one piece. The number of Kanban circulating or available for a given object depends on the demand and the time required to produce or acquire more of them. This number is generally fixed and remains unchanged unless demand or other circumstances (e.g. supplier delivery times) change significantly.


Kanban kinds



How to structure kanban cart

All the data of the article or the respective lot are shown on the Kanban card. The basic information that should be displayed is: the product code, its description, the number of pieces in a container, the customer and the supplier. In this example, the code on the left side is also repeated to allow it to be read once collected in the Systembox rather than in Cardplan®




Download the Excel file to customize your Kanban cards


- elimination of overproduction

- reduction of stocks

- greater availability of materials

- shorter delivery times and greater delivery reliability

- reduced production times

- reduction of planning and control times

- higher productivity

- less space needed in the warehouse






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